When you want a storm but can't dredge one up, settle for a light drizzle. It's less messy. Less interesting, to be sure, but less messy.
Sometime you just have to putter around on the Internet looking up silly things until it starts raining a little harder in the brain area. It's the only thing you can really do indoors in a 6x8 gray cubicle---four cubicles back from the window and far too near the traffic coordinator who bangs so angrily on the stapler. So angrily.
I long to wander through fields of daffodils (or a Prius commercial of people-flowers) and think up great things. But that's not happening today. I hate the pants I'm wearing. I feel like someone else. Stapler girl, please. Please. For the love of god. Cut off that mousy frizz Crystal Gayle hair of yours. This is not Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm and milking duties before dawn. OK?
I still haven't adjusted to the idea that while I was allowed to wear jeans every day for the past 8 years, this year it's back to 1992. And, for this reason, of course I don't have the right pants. These pants I'm wearing today I bought at a Banana Republic outlet mall in 2005 somewhere near Miami. They are a size 2. But the size is very much like "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants." These pants, well-traveled as they also are, are what I refer to as my "magic pants." I have a second pair, also Banana Republic, also size 2, that I purchased full-price in Boston in 2006. They also are magic pants because, well, when I am 122 lbs they fit. When I am 137 lbs they fit. When I am 131lbs, as I am now, they fit. They always fit. They fit a bit differently in places but they never create a muffin top, camel toe, pull or bunch. They just...magically....fit. Weird, isn't it?
I hate them anyway.
I hate them today because they are not the Anthropologie pants I really, truly want.
Storm watch.
Clouds brewing.
Clouds in my coffee.
Not much in my head.
Sigh a little more.
My name is Jessica Gwinn and today I discovered, accidentally on purpose, that:
Top 5 Facts for this Name:
33% of the letters are vowels. Of one million first and last names we looked at, 60.6% have a higher vowel make-up. This means you are averagely envoweled.
In ASCII binary it is... 01001010 01100101 01110011 01110011 01101001 01100011 01100001 00100000 01000111 01110111 01101001 01101110 01101110
Backwards, it is Acissej Nniwg... nice ring to it, huh?
In Pig Latin, it is Essicajay Inngway.
People with this first name are probably: Female. So, you are constantly overcharged for beauty products.
Name Origin and Meaning:
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: God's Grace
3 Things You Didn't Know:
1. Your personal power animal is the Nine-Banded Armadillo
2. Your 'Numerology' number is 7. If it wasn't bulls**t, it would mean that you are spiritual, eccentric, and a bit of a loner. Introspective and analytical, you think deeply and prefer seclusion.
3. According to the US Census Bureau°, 0.49% of US residents have the first name 'Jessica' and 0.0019% have the surname 'Gwinn'. The US has around 300 million residents, so we guesstimate there are 28 Americans who go by the name 'Jessica Gwinn'.
27 other people may share my name.
But they will never, ever, ever share my braindrizzle. Soon to be shower. Soon to be downpour. Soon to be tip-toeing through those tulips I mentioned above. Creating glory and madness. Beauty and mayhem.
Good day all. May your brains storm and, if not, may they, at least, drizzle just a little.
Tools of the Trade: Jeff Maggs from Brunner
2 hours ago
1 comment:
So lovely to meet you and Scott. Diggin' the posts, friend. I'll stay tuned.
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