Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Thanks Tish Grier

I, for one, have been reading blogs for, oh, I don't know, three years now. But I have no idea what I've been reading---or why. Back in 2003, a friend of a friend was mysteriously doing this, passionately and thoroughly, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He sure was busy but I wasn't sure what he was busy doing. What was Hylton Jolliffe doing really? I wondered. Commenting on newsworthy stuff, gathering various opinions, sporting bedhead, a t-shirt and jeans while blogging his brains out. It was pretty cool to see the thinking and the doing and the motivation to make all these connections---all while looking so relaxed. Blogging? What is that, I wondered again. Now I know. Now it's all slowly making sense.

Today I attended a luncheon seminar with Tish Grier who talked about the life of a blogger while wearing a "I'm blogging you" black t-shirt with sharp white letters. Should we fear her bloggin us? Or not? I say fear everything. Fear nothing.
I welcome this challenge.

Here we go.

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what i'm thinking

My photo
writing is like putting puzzles together. except i hate puzzles. they remind me of rainy days in the poconos, locked indoors with relatives for some kind of annual family reunion. but words, strung together, placed just so, can be just like music. i love words, their meaning, their rhythm, their ability to persuade, move, thrill---and when strategically placed together, they're just like pieces of a puzzle. Because when the piece is complete, it just is. There's nothing left to do except go outside and feel the rain come down.